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Ryves HR | Downloads – Page 2

There are a great many free HR documents & templates, guidelines and articles available for download from this section of the site.  To narrow your selection to specific topic areas or resource type, please use the dropdown filters below.  Some of these free documents require visitor registration prior to download.  This registration enables us to identify which particular HR topics are of interest to visitors to our site and prioritise future additional resources accordingly. For more details about our registration process and the way we use the data you provide, please see our privacy policy.

Man talking to Woman about Human Resources issue

Performance Management - 1

The introductory article on the basic principles underlying an effective approach to performance management.

Man talking to Woman about Human Resources issue

Organisational Design

This article describes the process involved in developing an effective organisational structure to support the achievement of business objectives.

Compassionate leave

Compassionate leave

A generic policy regarding Compassionate Leave to be amended to fit in with your organisation's stance on this.



A policy that gives your organisation's stance on the topic of smoking at work.

Standard offer letter

A standard letter template for offers of employment. This should ideally be used with a Contract of Employment containing similar provisions to those to be found on this website.

Disciplinary Invitation - Potential Dismissal

This template may be used to notify an employee of a scheduled disciplinary meeting that may result in his or her dismissal.

Disciplinary procedure

Disciplinary procedure

A generic disciplinary procedure to meet the ACAS Code of Practice.

Dress code

Dress code

A policy that covers the 'sensitive' topics relating to standards of personal hygiene, appearance and dress at work.

Maternity Leave arrangements

This template should be used as a response to an employee's notification that she is pregnant and her provision of her MAT B1 form.

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