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Discrimination (Racial)

Guidelines relating to the Protected Characteristic of race

Under the Equality Act 2010 it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate on grounds of race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin when selecting someone for a job and also when:

  • Selecting for promotion;
  • Provision of benefits, including training;
  • Dismissing an employee;
  • Selecting employees for redundancy.

Indirect racial discrimination

Indirect discrimination occurs when:

  • The selection process places members of a particular ethnic group at a disadvantage for reasons that are not relevant to the job (for instance requiring the completion of an application form where reading and writing English is not a job requirement);
  • The employer imposes unnecessary conditions of employment that disadvantages members of a particular ethnic group;
  • Fewer workers of one race can meet the conditions or requirements of the position;
  • Workers from a particular ethnic group are put at a disadvantage.

Employees may make a complaint of discrimination regardless of length of continuous employment.

Employees who feel that they have been discriminated against may make a complaint against their employer at an employment tribunal. People who apply for a job and feel the reason they were discounted was because of their race may also make a complaint to a tribunal. The scope of the Act extends to prevent 'victimisation' of employees who have made a complaint against their employer on the basis of racial discrimination. Victimisation could include passing an employee over for promotion because he or she has made a complaint in the past or giving an ex-employee a bad reference because he or she made a complaint.

'Positive' discrimination, where an employer recruits a member of a particular ethnic origin is also unlawful. However, employers can take 'positive action' to attract applications from members of ethnic groups that are under-represented in the workforce. This could be by advertising the position in publications known to have a wide readership within the under-represented ethnic group. However, the decision to select a particular candidate must still be based on merit alone.

Discrimination (Racial)

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