Use of this website
Certain links and information on this Site are provided by other organisations over which Ryves Limited has no control and for which we cannot accept responsibility. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named on our website is at your sole risk and responsibility.
The content of this Site is the property of Ryves Limited and is protected by copyright. You agree not to reproduce, re-transmit or distribute the content of this Site to anyone without the prior written consent of Ryves Limited. In particular, and without limitation, you may not post any content from this Site to newsgroups, mail lists or electronic bulletin boards without the prior written consent of Ryves Limited.
Fees and invoicing
HR Consultancy advice
Fees for consultancy and training activities are agreed with clients in advance. These are typically based upon hourly or daily fee rates. As from 3rd April 2023 these rates are:
Consultancy and training: | £ 130.00 + VAT per hour; |
£1,000.00 +VAT per day. |
Travel time, where agreed, is charged at 40% of the above rates;
Travel costs (parking, train fares etc.) are charged at cost and mileage is charged at the rate of 40 pence per mile;
Training materials (other than course notes/handouts) may incur additional fees which will be agreed with the client concerned in advance.
In employment disputes we limit our advice to the provision of HR advice, tactical advice in handling the dispute and procedural advice. We do not provide legal opinions or advice. Should such advice be necessary we are able to secure this, subject to out client's agreement, from our network of employment lawyers who are covered by Law Society Insurance. Any fees incurred in respect of obtaining such advice and opinions will be recharged to the client at cost.
Software Development via Ryves Development
Website/Internet application development: | £ 85.00 + VAT per hour; |
£850.00 + VAT per day. |
For website and application development projects a detailed specification and associated costs for the overall project will be agreed in advance. Where the total quoted cost exceeds £2,500.00, 50% of the total project cost will be invoiced and be payable prior to the commencement of work with the balance being payable upon delivery. For projects below this value our fees will be invoiced and be payable upon delivery of the project.
Website hosting fees and any software support fees will be quoted on a case by case basis and are dependent upon the size, bandwidth requirements and complexity of the site concerned.
Payment terms
Our invoices are payable within 14 days of issue except for those relating to the purchase/registration of domain names and SSL certificates where payment must be received in advance.
We reserve the right to withdraw services (including the suspension of web services) in the event that these payment terms are breached.
Use of materials
The information on this website is copyright© Ryves Limited and may be changed or updated without notice. Documents, guidelines and sample policies, together with some other areas of the website require the registration as a user by way of the provision of a valid email address. Such users may use materials downloaded from this site for the purposes of their own business or organisation only and must not reproduce, copy or distribute materials or materials derived from materials on this site to any third party individual or organisation.
Software source code for websites developed by Ryves Limited is made available to clients for their own use and amendment. However, such source code remains our intellectual property and must not be distributed, sold on or made available to any third party for reasons that are not directly connected with the original client’s organisation and its business.
Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and currency of materials and information on this site, users of this site agree and acknowledge that areas of Employment Law are subject to changing precedents and interpretation. For this reason no warranty or representation expressed or implied is given in respect of material or information provided on this site and Ryves Limited shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense howsoever caused which a user or his or her organisation may suffer or may become liable for arising out of or in connection with any materials or information provided by this website.
Subscribers are strongly advised to seek professional advice before any of the following:
We are happy to provide such advice and our initial consultation is normally free of charge. Should you wish such a consultation, please contact us by way of the contact form on this website, providing details of the matter upon which you wish to receive advice.