Ryves HR | Guidelines – Page 3



All dismissals carry the potential risk of a claim being made by the employee concerned at an employment tribunal.

Driving on Business

Driving on Business

Employers have a legal duty, under health and safety law, to ensure the safety of their employees and of anyone else who may be affected by their activities.

Email Monitoring

Email Monitoring

The monitoring of employees' email accounts is only allowed, without an employees' consent, for limited purposes.

Employment Rights

Employment Rights

General guidelines on the minimum requirement for information to be provided to an employee in his or her statement of particulars of employment.

Employment Tribunals

Employment Tribunals

Guidance on the procedures at an Employment Tribunal.

Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

Overview of the requirement to provide equality of opportunity to all employees and particularly to ensure that those with protected characteristics do not suffer discrimination or detriment.

Equal Pay

Equal Pay

Guidance in respect of the Equal Pay Act (1970) and the gender pay gap reporting requirements for organisations with more than 250 employees.

Fixed Term Contracts

Fixed Term Contracts

Guidance on legislation relating to the use of fixed-term contracts.

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